91: The best climbing equipment you can buy

Once again, the landlord, the factory manager, and Hakase chatted with each other while reading the answers to the questionnaires received from listeners.

There were many eye-opening items, and I have a feeling this will be the most informative session ever. The factory manager was immediately looking for various items on Rakuten. Please enjoy this episode with some of the little goods that will make your climbing life more meaningful.

As we mentioned on our blog the other day, we have switched to a Google Form survey from this issue. We are planning to change the present contents, so please look forward to the next and subsequent surveys.


It is the day of the powder. So, although it was not on our schedule, we had to record a Podcast show on short notice. While reading the newsletters and announcements, it turned out to be more of a mess than usual, as if it was a day of powder.

I thought We used to read the messages from listeners on the Podcast every year on the Day of the Powder, but that never happened at all, I only did it once in 2019. Interesting.

Continue reading “86: DAY OF THE KONA”

82: Wear True-To-Size(SIN)

Happy New Year to all KONA RADIO listeners! This is Hakase. In episode 82, we talk about everyone’s favorite topic. Yes, climbing shoes. We welcomed Mr. Tachibanazono-san, who is involved in the development of Unparallel shoes, and talked about various topics related to climbing shoes, including the new Souped UP shoes and shoe demos, while looking back on the year 2022.

If you feel that your current shoes are not right for you, or you are not sure about your size, or if you have any other shoe problems, this is a must listen. (from around 1:15:00)

Continue reading “82: Wear True-To-Size(SIN)”

80: Watch KING LINES to improve your English (Vitaly)

How do you use the words Grip, Grasp, and Grab to describe taking hold? We welcomed Vitaly Sensei, a language expert, climber, and guitar teacher, to answer questions from our listeners.

Find Vitaly (He doesn’t wear a border shirt)
Continue reading “80: Watch KING LINES to improve your English (Vitaly)”

79: Highly Conscious Followers (@tajippei)

This is Ep. 79 of KONA Radio with Mr. Tajima (@tajippei), owner of a well-established climbing gym in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture and a researcher for Tokyo Powder.

Tajippei, who only climbs rocks, and Hakase, who stays in the office and takes care of his hobbies by the minute, were afraid that we hadn’t gained any interesting stories to talk about since last year, so we asked our followers on Twitter for some questions.

Continue reading “79: Highly Conscious Followers (@tajippei)”